First, look at this crazy situation here. A wee, humble tree IN THE HOUSE. I could see Dadda was struggling to tame it, so I had to get right in there and help. And thank goodness I did, because he had no idea how to eat it. In the end, it was I who was frustrated because they put the tree on the table behind us there, out of my reach (for the most part).
Following this, we put all sorts of beautiful, sparkly, appetizing bits of stuff on the tree, including jillions of bite-size lamps. As mentioned, it was difficult to get to this stuff. I tried. Incessantly. There was a cord which I determined could bring the entire unit of junk towards me if I pulled hard enough. But, oh mercy, did that cause quick and frantic movement from Momma. After that, it was very difficult to grab the cord too. Sheesh. And, no pictures of this situation. My apologies.
In an effort at holiday diplomacy, sanctions were lifted for a limited number of ornaments: the X-wing fighter ornament, the Millennium Falcon ornament, the Death Star ornament, and the At-At ornament. Evidently, these were less hazardous in construction. Also, it was discussed that they were important components in my exposure to The Force. Not the first I've heard of this topic. Still not sure what they're talking about. No pictures of these ornaments either. Sorry.
I am also including images from the mayhem and delight that was Christmas Day. This day was spent at Grandma and Boppa's house. We arrived the day before and found ourselves sharing the merriment with all sorts of VIPs.
Here you can see my general enthusiasm for the day. And, if you look closely enough, you can see the strange, sharp protrusions on my lower gums. What a misery these have given me! But the worst is over. And let me tell you, people FREAK OUT over these teeth things. I don't hear the end of it, especially these days now that they are bigger and accompanied by teeth on the top gums. On and on, the people discuss them. Anyway...
Here I am doing my best to get some print work. This nifty wooden xylophone is the gift I got from "Santa" but I also received many other fine gifts. I'm really getting the hang of this percussion thing. It turns out that everywhere you go, many objects and surfaces are just waiting to be drummed upon. A whole world of sound!!
And here I am on Dadda's lap. Everyone kept pointing cameras at me. And it has become clearer and clearer to me that you are supposed to force your face into an expression of excitement, so that is what I'm doing here. At the time, it felt correct on my face. But what a ballyhoo it caused. People were rolling on the ground. At any rate, I am pleased with these shots because, once again, we are reminded how much I resemble Dadda. He's a good-lookin' guy.
Finally, a shout-out to my cousins. Unfortunately, Nikolas could not be there, but Natalia and Juliana were there. They're a hoot. They also received mountains of presents. I took it upon myself to inventory all their goods with a hearty examination, and sample all their wrapping paper. Universally, I have found neither wrapping paper, nor tape, nor ribbons taste all that great.
Here are me and Natalia freaking out about something or other. She wore a special ensemble that morning as well. All the disembodied legs in these photos belong to my aunts and uncles. They're generally tall and speak only in terms of movie quotes or childhood reminiscences. I can't really remember all their names yet. I am quite fond of them, though.
And here is Natalia looking like a winter princess. Evidently, the coat is some prized garb from my mother's childhood. And let me introduce Juliana. As you can see, she's a mellow creature. Once in a while she'll scream with glee and wave an arm around. I get only good vibes.
Oh, wait, here's Juliana making some effort at standing up on Momma's lap. I question her legwear, but Momma loved it. Momma was not crazy about me putting this photo in because she claims that every photo taken of her on Christmas morning after her 6th birthday is heinous.
Nevertheless, here is a pic of Momma and myself that she approved of using. She liked the familial scene. And she said she feels like a mom when she looks at it.
That is all for today. Next, we'll reach farther back and review Thanksgiving! But then after that, we'll embrace the present and the future. It is a new year, and I'm approaching a momentous anniversary! Stay tuned!
Honestly I think Bucky is like those pictures that show two different images depending on how you look at them. If I stare just this way and think Wes I see Wes. However when I stare and think Sarah.....Oh man how did I ever see Wes! Nope, Nope, there is Wes again....wait .... yep Sarah.