Monday, April 15, 2013

Returning to St. Paddy's

My public,

Some time ago we met here - really, quite a while ago now - and I showed you some photos from my first and second St. Patrick's Days. Well. Let me delight you today with a great deal more than that. Below, you can find not only the first and second, but my third and fourth St. Patrick's Days as well.


It is, truly, so very good to be back here with you. I have much to share. I've advanced incredibly, and have so much more wisdom to's hard to know where to begin. So, I thought, a little green, a few grins, a bit of Guiness (not mine), and we'd be off to a good start:



2012 !!!

2013 !!!

My momma is enjoying this. She likes to look at the top picture and then scroll down really fast to the bottom picture and chuckle in disbelief that something so small and bewildering just keeps growing and growing. [And lets just get this joke out of the way: no, she's not talking about Dadda.]

In closing, my point is simply this: clearly, I am a LOT of fun. 

Back here soon,