So, while chewing on my plastic cow (non-bpa, hello.), I got to thinking about how I really ought to offer you a bit of my portfolio from the early days. Though humble, I am still proud.
I offer you a few images:

Here we have a picture of moi posed on Grandma's quilt that she made especially for me. This is one of the images from a time before I had "grown into my nose", as I've distastefully been told (by my own father, no less.).

And here's a shot of me passed out on momma's shoulder. It's hard work being a newborn.

Even though it is mostly hard work, we sometimes pause to consider bewildering phenomena, such as how the small pointy thing on my hand goes in the tiny hole on my face. I remember it as not unpleasant but difficult to achieve.

Another sleeping shot. Aahhh, back in the day when I was still sleeping with momma and dadda. These days I sleep in my own bed. Hmph. I mean, its not so bad but sleeping in the big bed is waaaaay better. But I've heard reports of my somnolent self making for a poor bedfellow; I guess now that I'm super big I take up too much room or scoot around or poke and kick or demand boobie too much. Whatevs. They're the ones missing out.

Oh yes. Aunt Shelly. Few are her equal. I instantly recognized a devotee. Can't have too many. Let's not dwell on the fact that my eyes are, well, crossed. It was temporary. So annoying how I had to put up with all the childish giggles from momma and dadda whenever my eyes did this. Seriously.

I felt I should give some attention to Critter the Wild Animal that is allowed to live with us. He has always only offered his indifference to me, though he will sometimes feign affection just to sniff me. In this image here, I am the indifferent one, which tickles me. Again, Grandma's fine quilt.

Finally. Ooof, this must be, like, day two. I'm terribly diminutive in stature. Can hardly stand to look at those scrawny legs. My legs are now, I assure you, strong and substantial. Though I must say that in this image my pose foreshadows my physical prowess. Dadda likes to say that I'm already poised to catch a football. I hear a lot of talk about this "football." Remains to be seen.
Soon, we'll move on to other images where I'm not so incredibly new and befuddled. Good night for now.